The Dome Theater Project in Libby Montana

  Target Audience      Engage Viewers    Message Delivered!

The Dome Theater offers a new and effective advertising platform that can deliver your message to your customers so they know exactly what you have to offer. We are here to work with Libby businesses to help you make connections with new customers.

  Custom tailored professionally produced ads on our screen 7 times a week
  Movie trivia keeps potential customers engaged while viewing your ad
  Dome Theater ads are shown to a captive audience, meaning your ad is sure to be viewed
  Work with professionals to create your own 15-30 second dynamic advertisement

* Indicates a Required Field

Why Advertise with the Dome Theater?
" screen advertising is a growing industry. This novel medium allows an advertiser to target a specific geographic area with frequent repetition and minimal effort."
- The Business Journal

"What's the fastest growing advertising medium on the block? It's not the Internet. It's cinema advertising and it's becoming the hot, new tool for advertisers nationwide. While major players including Levi's, Nike and Sony are taking their campaigns to the silver screen, small businesses can also benefit from reaching this affluent, captive audience of moviegoers - without taking a major bite out of their budgets."
- June 2005